Real Recognize Real

Real Recognize Real


"I realised there are two fundamental outlooks on life. The urge to share the ice-cream, and the denial of that urge."

Brian Lindstrom’s award-winning documentaries profile people society puts an “x” through and aim to reduce stigma and reveal the humanity of those living on the margins.

Mothering Inside follows the Family Preservation Project’s efforts to help inmate moms establish healthy bonds with their children. The film played a vital role in promoting the Oregon legislature to reverse the Dept. of Corrections’ decision to close the program despite a zero recidivism rate among graduates. Mothering Inside won awards at the Bend and Ashland Film Festivals and was selected for MountainFilm Festival in Telluride and many others.

Alien Boy: The Life & Death of James Chasse, about the death of a non-violent man with schizophrenia at the hands of the Portland Police, is available on Amazon and iTunes and is distributed by Breaking Glass Pictures.

Finding Normal follows longtime heroin and cracks addicts trying to rebuild their lives with the help of recovery mentors. It is distributed by Dark Hollow Films.

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