Ten Tips For Building A Killer Startup
“The most beautiful mistakes are the ones we do fastest. It’s important to fail fast.”
Michael Acton Smith is building a global entertainment company for the internet generation. Before the huge success of Moshi Montsters, he came very close to going out of business. So he has seen both sides of the entrepreneurial coin. That's why his advice is so insightful for would-be entrepreneurs. He distils his vast experience in business into 10 amazing tips to follow. An indispensable check-list for any would-be entrepreneur.
Michael has been described by the Daily Telegraph as “a Rock Star version of Willy Wonka” and by the Independent as “a polite version of Bob Geldolf”.
He is the CEO, Creative Director and founder of online games studio Mind Candy. The company created the online hit Moshi Monsters which has over 75m players online and is now expanding offline into books, toys, music, trading cards, TV and film.
Mind Candy’s first project was a global treasure hunt called Perplex City that played out across different media including websites, text messages, magazines, live events, skywriting and multiple helicopters.
Michael is also the co-founder of Firebox.com, Berwickstock, Silicon Drinkabout and Calm.com